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L1 Visual Comprehension / L2 Visual Comprehension / L3 Visual Comprehension
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English Comprehension
Comprehension skills are vital to all communication in our everyday life. To understand messages via any means of communication, we need to decode what is being said, pick out the most relevant information, and sometimes ‘read between the lines’ to infer what is not openly stated.
Whether a short conversation among Primary children or a long report aimed for adults, the process of comprehension is the same throughout life. Thus, students begin comprehension practice at school from a young age.
We strongly support the development of such essential skills of all young minds, so our library of Reading and Visual Comprehension Tests is expansive and will continue to grow. Our collection comprises picture and graphic-based comprehensions to test observational skills, and also practice questions based on classic and brand new stories, poems and non-fiction texts.
Enriched comprehension skills boost students’ academic grades on a curricular level and far beyond, ultimately widening and deepening their understanding of the ‘true’ meaning behind a message.